Thursday, February 5, 2009


I was introduced to yoga years ago by a friend who was a fanatic believer. While I have never felt the same level of addiction that she had, I do really enjoy it. One of the perks that the university offers students is unlimited fitness classes for $10 a semester. For the last few semesters I have have been attending yoga classes at the university. At the first of the semester, I am excited and go to every class, but will admit that by the end of the semester my attendance does become a bit spotty. As this is the first part of the semester, I am shinny and new in my enthusiasm for yoga. I just got back from my class this evening and am enjoying the sense of accomplishment that I get from participating. It is a workout that I enjoy and if I am going to make any attempt at losing some of the weight that I have put on over the last few years, it is a good start. Now I just need to find the time to work out a bit more often and stop eating as much and I will be set!