While I have complained about my weight gain since I turned about 28, I haven't really done anything about it. I make vague efforts, which I why I bought wii fit a while ago. While I used it for a bit, I got tired of always having to select the next workout. It felt like it took 45 minuets to do a 30 minute workout. It also didn't help that I didn't feel like I was getting a serious workout. It is fun and enjoyable, but it seemed to focus more on balance and coordination, not a good calorie burning exercise. So in the spring when I heard about Active, I decided to give it a try. I bought the game, which sat on my shelf for longer than it should. I did pull it out and play it once, but then got caught up in the bussle of finishing my last semester of graduate school. But even when I finished school, and lost my job, I still didn't work out more. For months I have lazed around with no job and just the occasional freelance projects.
Well, back to the orignal focus of this post, I have decided to turn over a new leaf and exercise more often. As it stands now, I have worked out for the last 3 days. I have been using the Active game I bought all those months ago. Overall, I am enjoying it. I have been using the 30 day challage, and I like how it creates preset workouts for me so I don't have to worry about what I am doing next. Each workout is just under 30 minutes, and I like the variety of strength training and cardio. By the end of the workout I am breathing hard and a bit sweaty. I think these are signs of a great workout! I also like that when you move from on exercise to the next they have a cut screen where it pauses while you get what ever equipment you need or grab a quick drink.
One of the things that I can't stand about it is the cheesy pep talks by the personal trainer. They just get annoying after a while. When I think about how they could be given by a 50 pound overweight voice actor sitting in a recording studio, they are even more annoying. Might least favorite is "what you are my friend, is poetry in motion!" Really, who thought anyone would be encouraged by this? Because of this, I have taken to muting the tv and just playing my own music while I work out. I find it easy to just follow the on screen prompts, and I don't miss the games bad music or cheesy dialog. Now I just have to keep it up!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
For a while now, I have wanted a new iPod. I don't really need one, as I have a perfectly good 30 gb iPod... but I really want a 120 gb. I have quite the extensive music collection and with a 120 gb iPod I would be able to fit all of my collection on it. Then I would always have access to whatever song I wanted to listen to, even if my computer was off. So, I gave into temptation the other day and bought one at Costco. I know, as I am jobless I should be more practical with my money, but I wanted it! Anyway, I brought it home and hooked it up to my computer and had it sync my complete collection. Imagine my suprise when it barely fit all of my music. I only have 100 gb of music, but with album art and other silliness, it used the extra space. This made me reaize that my collection has indeed gotten out of control. After this I started to go through my music and removed some of the stuff that I never really listen too. I now have the goal to not let my music collection grow too large that I cannot fit it on my iPod. See, I can have some self control! (maybe...)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Beware of documentaries...
I have found that I am highly susceptible to documentaries. I can't seem to stop watching one once I start. As a case and point yesterday I decided to watch some tv while eating my lunch. I really meant to just watch it for a few minuetes while eating, but got sucked in. I ended up learning more than I ever expected about the storm water and sewaged systems in the US. Apparentely our infirstructure is really old and lots of people are having problems maintaining the sewage systems so that they don't contanimate our ground water supply. It was facinating, but this always happens to me. At least I learn something!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I was introduced to yoga years ago by a friend who was a fanatic believer. While I have never felt the same level of addiction that she had, I do really enjoy it. One of the perks that the university offers students is unlimited fitness classes for $10 a semester. For the last few semesters I have have been attending yoga classes at the university. At the first of the semester, I am excited and go to every class, but will admit that by the end of the semester my attendance does become a bit spotty. As this is the first part of the semester, I am shinny and new in my enthusiasm for yoga. I just got back from my class this evening and am enjoying the sense of accomplishment that I get from participating. It is a workout that I enjoy and if I am going to make any attempt at losing some of the weight that I have put on over the last few years, it is a good start. Now I just need to find the time to work out a bit more often and stop eating as much and I will be set!
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